
The COMSOL Conference 2024 Boston will feature minicourses, sponsored workshops, keynote presentations, poster presentations, exhibitions, and more. Explore the full schedule below.
8:00 a.m.
Registration Opens
9:00 a.m.
Welcome to the COMSOL Conference
9:30 a.m.
  • CAD models are usually created by design teams for manufacturing purposes. In many cases, these models contain imperfections and excessive details that have to be repaired or eliminated in order for the models to be suitable for analysis in simulation software. Additionally, multiphysics modeling often requires also representing the volume surrounding an imported object.

    COMSOL Multiphysics® features robust yet user-friendly functionality for further manipulations of CAD models for simulations involving, for example, electromagnetics, acoustics, or computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The software offers an extensive array of tools for importing, repairing, defeaturing, and adjusting CAD models. It can also facilitate additional geometric operations on imported CAD files.

    We invite you to join this session to explore the geometry repair and defeaturing capabilities in COMSOL Multiphysics® and learn how to prepare a geometry for effective modeling and simulation.

  • The COMSOL Multiphysics® software, paired with its add-on CFD Module, enables scientists and engineers to model and simulate complex laminar and turbulent fluid flows, and analyze both single-phase and multiphase flows for a wide range of applications.

    Unique multiphysics capabilities further widen the scope of the software’s applicability. In combination with fluid flow, users can model multiphysics phenomena such as conjugate heat transfer, fluid–structure interaction, rotating machinery, electrokinetic flow, and reacting flow.

    In this session, we will focus on how to model the flow through a water treatment basin, with baffles creating turbulence along the winding path toward the exit pipe. We will also go over the available turbulence models and take a look at some of the cornerstones of the fluid flow analyses available in the CFD Module.

  • The COMSOL Multiphysics® software, paired with its Acoustics Module add-on product, enables engineers and scientists to model a large variety of acoustic phenomena using specialized acoustic models and solvers. Multiphysics phenomena, such as acoustic–structure interaction, piezoelectricity, or convected acoustics, can easily be included.

    The software's modeling capabilities cover a broad range, spanning from microacoustics with thermoviscous effects to concert hall simulations using the ray tracing method. The Acoustics Module has functionality that enables users to combine model results across physics and numerical methods for multiscale simulations. The module also comes with an extensive variety of boundary conditions for frequency- as well as time-domain simulations.

    In this session, we will provide an overview of the capabilities of the Acoustics Module that will also highlight some of the latest features and functionality. We will also go over how to set up and analyze the results from a simple muffler system simulation.

  • The shift toward the electrification of vehicles and the expansion of the electrical grid for renewable energy integration highlights the growing need for advanced power electronics and upgraded high-voltage systems. COMSOL Multiphysics® and the AC/DC Module offer general-purpose electromagnetics functionality for simulating essential components like transformers, converters, amplifiers, switches, cables, and high-voltage transmission lines.

    The software features unique multiphysics modeling capabilities that make it easy to include Joule heating, thermal expansion, cooling by fluid flow, and other important physical effects beyond those included in a traditional electromagnetics analysis.

    Join this session to get an introduction to using the AC/DC Module for electromagnetic field and multiphysics modeling of power electronics and high-voltage components.

  • The Model Builder in the COMSOL Desktop® environment includes functionality for all of the steps needed for modeling and simulation — from defining parameters, materials, geometry, physics settings, and mesh to the evaluation and visualization of results. The desktop environment also features the Application Builder for creating simulation apps and the Model Manager for storing and organizing models, apps, and simulations.

    In this session, we focus on the Model Builder and how to set up multiphysics models from scratch. We will set up a model of a thermal actuator that combines electric currents, Joule heating, and thermal expansion using multiphysics couplings in the user interface. Once the main modeling workflow has been demonstrated, we will discuss each of the main steps in more detail, revealing useful tools and unique modeling features in the software. Examples of such features are variables and functions, built-in unit consistency, selections, exclusive and contributing nodes, study sequences, and many more.

    Join us in this session to learn about the fundamental workflow of the Model Builder and gain insights into the tools in the Model Builder for adhering to best practices in modeling and simulation.

10:30 a.m.
Coffee Break
11:00 a.m.
Minicourses & Invited Talks
  • The meshing step in the modeling and simulation process directly influences the accuracy, computation time, memory requirements, and solution interpretation of a simulation. COMSOL Multiphysics® offers fully automated meshing that accounts for both geometric information, such as surface curvature, and settings for the modeled physics phenomenon. For example, the software can automatically adapt the mesh size to resolve wave propagation problems or use boundary layer meshing for walls in CFD.

    The automatic meshing functionality is complemented with powerful yet user-friendly meshing functionality for manipulating a mesh generation sequence to create a mesh of your choice. For instance, you can create a hexahedral mesh for one subdomain and tetrahedral or prismatic meshes for other subdomains.

    Attend this minicourse to learn a set of best practices for custom meshing and mesh import. We will demonstrate the workflow for custom meshing as well as how to use, repair, and modify imported meshes generated with other software. Import of STL, PLY, and 3MF files will be covered.

  • The Heat Transfer Module, an add-on product to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, enables scientists and engineers to model heat transfer in solids and fluids, including conjugate heat transfer and radiation. Its fluid flow capabilities include a wide range of Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) turbulence models for nonisothermal flow. The module includes several easy-to-use features for modeling surface-to-surface radiation and radiation in participating media. It also provides specialized features for modeling phase change, including evaporation, condensation, and sublimation.

    In addition, COMSOL Multiphysics® and the Heat Transfer Module offer a unique set of multiphysics modeling capabilities. Phenomena such as Joule heating with thermal expansion, conjugate heat transfer with fluid–structure interaction, moisture transport, heat and moisture (HAM), and nonisothermal reacting flow can be described using built-in multiphysics functionality.

    In this session, we will present an overview of the heat transfer modeling capabilities in both COMSOL Multiphysics® and the Heat Transfer Module. We will also go over how to set up a model of a heat sink for electronic cooling using a feature designed to model conjugate heat transfer.

  • The Application Builder, included in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, has enabled a larger community of scientists and engineers to benefit from multiphysics modeling and simulation. Modeling experts can use the Application Builder to create simulation apps, which are easy-to-use interfaces that are made from existing COMSOL Multiphysics® models, where the app user controls the settings of the simulation. The app user is then focused on the input parameters and computational results that matter, without requiring foreknowledge of the underlying model.

    The Application Builder is extended by the COMSOL Compiler™, which compiles simulation apps into standalone executable files. These files can then be can be distributed to anyone and run anywhere.

    In this session, we will provide an overview of the functionality in the Application Builder, focusing on creating user interfaces. We will also show how to create a simulation app from a multiphysics model, record model methods, and compile the simulation app into a standalone app.

  • Application for Simulating Acoustic Response of Condenser Microphone Cartridges by Jason Cillo, Shure

    Magnetomechanical Compression of a Solid Lithium Liner for Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF) by Sean Teller, PhD, Veryst Engineering, on behalf of Jean-Sebastien Dick, General Fusion

    Simulation of Medical Treatment for Infections After Knee Replacement Surgery by Joshua Thomas, AltaSim Technologies

    Simulating Ideal and Experimental Impedance Response of Interdigitated Printed Circuit Boards by Roshaun Titus, Georgia Institute of Technology

12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
Keynote Speakers
  • Multiphysics Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Electrochemical Energy-Conversion Technologies

    As electrochemical technologies become increasingly important in our energy paradigm, there is a need to examine them holistically. Furthermore, for such technologies to become practical, they need to operate at high current densities to minimize various cell costs. This operating space necessitates efficient transport of reactants and removal of products from the reaction site, as well as the use of a solid-state architecture that utilizes ion-conducting polymers (ionomers). These gas-diffusion electrodes (GDEs) circumvent many of the issues of traditional aqueous systems, wherein the reactants and products are fed or removed in a vapor form into a porous 3D electrode. However, mass transport limitations occur. For example, one of the main challenges of achieving low-cost fuel cells and electrolyzers stems from multiphase mass transport limitations, and, for CO2 reduction, mass transport controls overall conversion rates and selectivity. The complex interplay of phenomena within the GDE architecture is ideally suited for analysis via multiphysics modeling at the continuum scale.

    In this keynote talk, Adam Z. Weber will use models developed in COMSOL Multiphysics® to explore the various tradeoffs endemic in GDE architectures for various electrochemical reactions, including CO2 reduction and O2 and H2 consumption and evolution. The cell models provide quantification of the various limiting phenomena and cell voltage breakdowns at both the micro- and macroscales, where the local conditions and environment around the reaction site impact reactivity. It will be shown how transport phenomena at both the macroscale through the porous media and the local double layers control performance and selectivity.

    In addition, Weber will explore how different integration schemes can greatly impact overall response, which can overshadow any intrinsic changes due to different electrocatalyst materials, thereby providing different design rules. Different GDE design architectures will be explored, and their intrinsic tradeoffs will be noted, including complex interplay of hydration, reactant concentration, and both homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions. In particular, full vapor-phase motifs will be discussed, including complex water management through solid-state polymer electrolytes. Time permitting, he will then explore different applications including bipolar membranes, where co- and counter-ion crossover presents significant obstacles to developing efficient and stable devices.

  • Design and Analysis of HTS-Based Magnets for Fusion Applications Using COMSOL Multiphysics®

    High-temperature superconductors (HTS) represent a groundbreaking technology that facilitates the construction of compact, commercially viable fusion devices, playing a pivotal role in the transition to clean energy. Due to their highly nonlinear behavior, understanding HTS magnets under various conditions is essential for their design. Modeling and simulation, particularly using COMSOL Multiphysics®, is crucial for optimizing the design of the magnets, enabling a comprehensive understanding of HTS dynamics at both tape and system levels. The problem's multiphysics nature necessitates coupling different physics, such as electromagnetics, heat transfer, and structural mechanics. The COMSOL® software’s seamless multiphysics coupling capabilities simplify modeling the dynamic nature of these magnets and other crucial components in the tokamak fusion device.

2:00 p.m.
Coffee Break
2:30 p.m.
Keynote Speaker
  • The release of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.3 brings new and updated functionality for even more efficient modeling and faster results. Join us for this keynote talk to get a first look at the upcoming release.

3:30 p.m.
Coffee Break
4:00 p.m.
  • The Particle Tracing Module, an add-on product to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, computes the trajectories of individual particles by solving their equations of motion over time. These simulated particles can represent ions and electrons, biological cells, grains of sand, projectiles, water droplets, or bubbles. For instance, in the design of mass spectrometers, electron guns, and particle accelerators, the Particle Tracing Module is used to simulate the motion of ions or electrons in electric or magnetic fields.

    The Particle Tracing Module also offers a unique variety of built-in capabilities for modeling the forces that affect particle motion. These capabilities are customized to different types of particles, enabling users to predict movements such as those of electrons in electromagnetic fields or the settling of dust due to gravity and atmospheric drag.

    In this minicourse, we will discuss applications of particle tracing simulations for analysis involving both electromagnetic fields and fluid flow.

  • It is essential to incorporate heat transfer by radiation in a variety of industrial processes that take place at high temperatures. The COMSOL Multiphysics® software, together with the Heat Transfer Module, offers state-of-the-art capabilities for accurately describing surface-to-surface radiation on both diffuse and mixed diffuse–specular surfaces with temperature- or direction-dependent properties. The software provides predefined features for radiation in semitransparent media, including participating media, absorbing and scattering media, and beams in absorbing media, and also has unique functionality for coupling heat transfer with other physics phenomena, such as fluid flow, electromagnetic fields, and phase change.

    Join us in this minicourse to learn about incorporating radiative heat transfer in your simulations. This includes discussion on models with radiative spectrum for separate bands, reflective surfaces, and participating media.

  • COMSOL Multiphysics® is a leading software for the modeling and simulation of electroacoustic transducers, especially those used in loudspeakers. With the functionality in the software and its add-on products, audio engineers can design and optimize fully coupled multiphysics models of loudspeakers that involve acoustics, structural, and electromagnetics analyses.

    The wide range of capabilities for modeling and simulating loudspeakers include classical lumped Thiele–Small models, using either small or large signal parameters, as well as fully coupled 3D multiphysics models and nonlinear analysis. Your simulations can incorporate hybrid lumped parameter models as well as full finite element models. These are especially useful for system integration analysis.

    In this session, you will get an overview of the combined multiphysics capabilities of the Acoustics Module, Structural Mechanics Module, and AC/DC Module. Additionally, you will learn how to set up and analyze the results of a simple loudspeaker model.

  • Designing electric motors with high efficiency and power density is crucial for increasing range and reducing battery capacity requirements. The COMSOL Multiphysics® software and its add-on AC/DC Module can be used to model and simulate electric motors for enhanced designs.

    For example, synchronous permanent magnet and asynchronous motors — as well as more recently researched alternatives such as synchronous reluctance or axial flux motors — can be modeled and simulated in COMSOL Multiphysics®. The software's capability to effectively capture multiphysics effects and apply powerful optimization techniques has empowered designers to improve efficiency and decrease costs, making it indispensable to many R&D departments in the automotive industry.

    In this session, we will discuss the functionality of COMSOL Multiphysics® and the AC/DC Module and demonstrate how they can be used in the R&D of electric motors and drivetrains.

  • Multiphysics Simulation Expedites Progress and Reduces Risk in Biopharma and Medtech R&D

    with Dr. Matthew Hancock, Dr. Sean Teller, and Dr. Joseph Barakat of Veryst Engineering LLC

    In this workshop, a team from Veryst will demonstrate how multiphysics simulation combined with a deep understanding of the underlying, often specialized, physical areas can help biopharmaceutical and medical technology companies improve process and product performance, resolve failures, and reduce development and patient risk.

    Simulations to support process development involve flow, mixing, heat and mass transport, reactions, and phase change over a wide range of scales from microfluidic to production. This workshop will share a comprehensive introduction to using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software for population balance modeling (PBM), which is used to simulate processes such as self-assembly, crystallization, and precipitation.

    Simulations to support product development involve all the physics listed above, but also electromagnetics, electrochemistry, structural mechanics, failure analysis, and complex material modeling. The Veryst team will review their in-house process of material testing to calibrate material models suitable for use in COMSOL Multiphysics® structural mechanics simulations.

    They will discuss using multiphysics simulation to:

    • Predict the risk of syringe clogging by combining drug product rheology (dense suspensions or protein solutions) with CFD simulations
    • Simulate lipid nanoparticle self-assembly and drug product reconstitution by combining CFD and population balance modeling within COMSOL Multiphysics®
    • Calibrate advanced nonlinear polymer material models to mechanical test data and incorporate in a COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation
    • Perform design verification of syringes and stoppers
    • Assess the risk of drug product degradation via evaporation through drug product container and O-rings

5:00 p.m.
Cocktail Reception
6:00 p.m.
Explore Boston
8:00 a.m.
Registration and Breakfast
9:00 a.m.
  • Each update of COMSOL Multiphysics® introduces enhancements for user-friendliness, modeling capabilities, and overall performance. The tradition continues with the latest version of the software. This most recent update comes loaded with innovative features aimed at boosting productivity and providing new, powerful tools for multiphysics modeling and simulation.

    We invite you to join this session for a comprehensive overview of the key functionality and highlights of the new version.

  • The structural mechanics add-on products to COMSOL Multiphysics® are established tools for high-fidelity modeling and simulation in science and engineering. Among other things, these products contain a very wide range of advanced nonlinear material models and enable users to formulate their own material models using expressions and functions.

    In addition, the COMSOL product suite features unique multiphysics modeling capabilities, including descriptions of phenomena such as fluid–structure interaction, poroelasticity, acoustic–structure interaction, electromagnetics–structure interaction, piezoelectricity, piezoresistivity, magnetostriction, and electrostriction.

    In this session, you will get an overview of the structural mechanics functionality available throughout the COMSOL product suite. You will also learn how to set up a model for structural analysis and how to add multiphysics couplings.

  • Multiphase flow is modeled using interface tracking techniques as well as dispersed multiphase techniques, where the phase fraction of each phase is treated as a field, disregarding the detailed shape of the phase boundaries. COMSOL Multiphysics® and its add-on products feature several user-friendly multiphase flow modeling interfaces for both surface tracking and dispersed multiphase flow techniques. Engineers and scientists have successfully used these multiphase flow interfaces to model everything from lab-on-a-chip devices (surface tracking) to large-scale water treatment processes like those in flocculation basins (dispersed multiphase flow).

    The COMSOL® software product suite also offers unique features for the modeling of multiphase flow in combination with other physics phenomena, for example, in fluid–structure interaction, electrokinetic flow, and reacting flow.

    In this session, you will get an overview of the COMSOL® software's capabilities for the modeling and simulation of multiphase flows. You will also learn how to set up a model of an inkjet nozzle using the modeling tools for level sets (surface tracking). The model will predict droplet size depending on the applied mechanical pulse during injection.

  • The Wave Optics Module is used to optimize and predict the performance of optical and photonics devices, spanning from filters and sensors to plasmonic gratings and metasurfaces. Its unique multiphysics capabilities make it easy to include stress-optical, electro-optical, acousto-optical, and magneto-optical effects in the analysis. Specialized modeling tools, such as the beam envelope method, enable detailed full-wave analysis of optically large devices.

    Join this session to get a quick introduction to the capabilities for electromagnetics and multiphysics simulation of optical components.

  • IAV's Multipurpose Coupling Solution for Electrophysicochemical Battery Models via the COMSOL API

    with Dr. Reik Laubenstein, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.

    In automotive battery development, electrophysicochemical models (EPCMs) address the need for independence from assembled cell prototypes by providing high-fidelity simulated cell data. EPCMs can be used to benchmark different cell chemistries, designs, or performances, supporting development and optimization of functions, cooling concepts, and layouts, as well as safety evaluation. To fully leverage EPCMs, the data must be seamlessly accessible across other existing tool chains to foster acceptance and applicability within model-based development.

    This presentation will focus on coupling pseudo-2D (P2D) cell models created in COMSOL Multiphysics® with modeling in other vehicle simulation environments such as GT-SUITE or Simulink®. Such coupling makes it feasible to investigate system-level impacts on the electrochemical behavior of these cells (i.e., performance and aging) while considering interactions over dynamic boundaries (e.g., temperature, coolant flow, and balancing).

    Dr. Laubenstein will demonstrate the coupling solution's utility with two specific application examples. The first focuses on early detection of cell anomalies in a module by modeling different internal short-circuit resistances to mimic a faulty cell. The second focuses on thermal management of a battery and cooling system containing two substantially different next-gen cell chemistries: sodium-ion and solid-state lithium-ion cells in a "twin battery" concept.

    Attend this session to learn how IAV uses the Application Builder and COMSOL Compiler™ to customize and compile multiscale battery simulation apps and then couple them with other vehicle simulation environments using the COMSOL Java® API in an integrated, model-based approach that enhances engineering effectiveness across all phases of development.

10:00 a.m.
Coffee Break
10:30 a.m.
Minicourses & Invited Talks
  • The COMSOL Multiphysics® software provides functionality with built-in multiphysics couplings that accurately describe real-world phenomena, while also enabling users to effectively create their own multiphysics couplings. In addition, COMSOL Multiphysics® offers dedicated add-on products for single-physics fields as well, such as structural mechanics, low- and high-frequency electromagnetics, acoustics, fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical engineering.

    To help couple phenomena and solve multiphysics models, COMSOL Multiphysics® can be used with the leading numerical methods and solvers. These include different variations of Newton’s methods for nonlinear problems; a comprehensive set of time-dependent solvers, as well as several optimization solvers; and direct and iterative linear solvers. The add-on modules, such as the CFD Module and Structural Mechanics Module, apply the top default solver settings for their respective field.

    In this session, we will provide an overview of the solvers in COMSOL Multiphysics®. We will also highlight important settings for solving some of the most common equations in science and engineering.

  • The Model Manager, an integrated component of COMSOL Multiphysics®, is used for efficient database storage and version control of models and related files, such as reports, experimental data, geometry parts, and CAD files. It provides organization and advanced search functionality, including the ability to search for features within a model, and a comparison feature that displays the exact differences between two versions of a model. Model files are stored in the system efficiently and with minimal redundancy. In addition to getting access to your model versions through the COMSOL Desktop®, the Model Manager server includes a web interface for managing modeling and simulation projects, including user account administration and asset management.

    Join us in this minicourse to learn how the Model Manager can be used to search models and apps and how to reuse model sequences in one model by applying them to a new model. We will also show how you can create a development environment where a team can collaborate on projects involving the development of models and simulation apps.

  • The Ray Optics Module supports both traditional nonsequential ray optics as well as ray optics combined with additional physical phenomena. Optical systems, especially those operating in harsh environments such as space or high-powered laser setups, require multiphysics modeling. This minicourse will introduce participants to structural-thermal-optical performance (STOP) analysis of optical systems. In addition, multiscale methods that bridge wave and ray optics will be briefly covered.

    Attend this minicourse to learn about using the Ray Optics Module for traditional ray tracing as well as STOP analysis and multiscale applications.

  • Coordination of Time-Dependent Simulation Parameters Using the Application Builder in COMSOL Multiphysics® by Paul Belk, Boston Scientific

    Multiphysics Modeling in COMSOL® to Understand Thermal Behavior of the HFIR Core with Silicide Fuel by Molly Ross, ORNL

    Modifying the Bonding Character of Coupled States of Thin-Plate Resonators via Prestress Modulation by Pragalv Karki, Mayo Clinic

    Acoustic Simulation of Ear Canal Pressure Reduction — Occlusion Relief Dynamic Vent by Michael Ricci, xMEMS

11:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
Keynote Speakers
  • Acoustic Simulation for Immersive Audio

    The team at Sonos is driven to make audio products that put the listener first, and finite element simulation has continued to be an important part of this mission. In previous presentations at COMSOL events, Sonos team members have shared how they use multiphysics finite element analysis to develop audio transducers and loudspeaker systems and optimize microphone placement for voice control. In this keynote talk, Doug Button and Joe Jankovsky will focus on several examples of how Sonos uses the finite element method (FEM) to analyze and improve the acoustic directivity of its products. Sonos' goal is to create engaging, immersive audio in each of its products to best reproduce the artists’ intent. From its mono and stereo sound systems to its satellite surround sound speakers, Sonos has leveraged COMSOL acoustic simulation to create truly immersive listening experiences in its connected systems. In this talk, Button and Jankovsky will present several examples of how the Sonos team designs for spatial audio rendering.

  • Battery Insights at the Intelligent Edge Enabled by Analog Devices Precision Signal Chain and Physics-Based Modeling

    Traditional battery models in battery management systems (BMS) are based on equivalent circuit models (ECMs). These models are data driven and offer relatively fast and accurate terminal voltage simulation. Though ECM-based solutions are robust, they are designed to predict battery input/output behavior only. Physics-based battery models, on the other hand, offer a look at the internal electrochemical states of the battery, modeling Li concentrations and potentials throughout the electrodes and electrolyte. Prediction of these electrochemical states enables a host of battery insights: e.g., prevention of Li plating, tracking of Li inventory, tracking of power fade, and more.

    A limitation of physics-based models lies in their parameterization — depending on model complexity, the number of parameters required can exceed 30. Furthermore, a subset of these parameters will change throughout the lifetime of the battery. Edge deployment of high-fidelity physics-based battery models therefore must include a method for in-the-field model updates based on observable data. Analog Devices leverages its precision signal chain portfolio to transform raw observable data into model updates and actionable real-time insights at the intelligent edge. This keynote will highlight the importance and difficulty of physics-based model parameterization and touch on methods for in-life parameter updates.

1:30 p.m.
Coffee Break
2:00 p.m.
  • Both shape and topology optimization are powerful techniques for design improvement. Shape optimization allows for the refinement of existing designs by adjusting the position, orientation, and shape of boundaries, starting from a general outline. Topology optimization offers extreme design freedom, permitting virtually any shape within the design space, which is especially relevant with the rise of additive manufacturing methods. Using any COMSOL Multiphysics® product, both of these optimization techniques can be applied to designs involving different types of physics phenomena as well as multiphysics combinations.

    Join this minicourse to get a quick introduction to using the Optimization Module for shape, topology, and general-purpose optimization.

  • The RF Module, an add-on product to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, enables the design, modeling, and optimization of high-speed communication technologies, such as phased antenna arrays, 5G millimeter-wave filters, and connectors. Its unique multiphysics capabilities make it easy to incorporate electromagnetic heating and structural effects, which can be used, for example, to address thermal expansion in cavity filters.

    In this session, we will cover high-frequency electromagnetics modeling in the time and frequency domain of RF and microwave components, including multiphysics analysis.

  • COMSOL Multiphysics® and its structural mechanics add-on modules contain a wide range of built-in nonlinear material models as well as capabilities for creating your own material models using your own functions. They also have dedicated functionality for fatigue analysis. Together, they form a uniquely user-friendly suite for multiphysics modeling and simulation of phenomena involving structural mechanics.

    Attend this minicourse to get an overview of the Nonlinear Structural Materials Module and the Fatigue Module. You will hear about the material models used to capture effects like hyperelasticity, plasticity, viscoplasticity, and creep. You will also learn about damage mechanics, customized flow rules, creep laws, and custom strain-energy-density functions for hyperelasticity. For fatigue analysis, you will see how to evaluate high-cycle-fatigue (HCF) and low-cycle-fatigue (LCF) regimes. In addition, you will learn how to use stress- and strain-based models and how to integrate functionality from other modules to help you study mutiphysics phenomena such as thermal expansion and elastoplastic fatigue.

  • Modeling species transport and chemical reactions can lead to improved understanding and optimization of reacting systems. The Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, an add-on product to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, was designed to mimic the experimental procedure in a lab using the following comprehensive modeling strategy: study kinetics in a perfectly mixed system; use accurate thermodynamic properties of both species and mixtures; then, create a space-dependent model using those reaction kinetics to study transport and reaction processes.

    The Chemical Reaction Engineering Module can also be combined with the add-on CFD Module to study turbulent nonisothermal reacting flow and turbulent multiphase flow. Turbulence modeling is offered by a wide range of Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) models, as well as large eddy simulation (LES) and detached eddy simulation (DES).

    In this session, we will demonstrate how to set up a model from scratch using chemical equations in a perfectly mixed system. We will then use the functionality for automatically creating space-dependent models to account for transport phenomena, including chemical species transport, fluid flow, and heat transfer.

  • Resolving Challenges in Your Models

    with Josh Thomas, AltaSim Technologies, LLC

    Our models do not always behave the way we desire or expect. Users will often jump to the conclusion that there is a bug in the software. However, other things may be driving the unexpected behavior. This workshop will help you understand common user mistakes in model development. It will address the interpretation of error messages, trivial solutions, the impact of erroneous boundary conditions, incorrect units, and other important topics for resolving challenges in your models.

3:00 p.m.
Coffee Break
3:30 p.m.
  • The physics features in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software are based on functionality that formulates systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). The software automatically discretizes these PDEs on the fly using numerical methods, such as finite elements, Petrov–Galerkin, discontinuous Galerkin, boundary elements, and the method of lines.

    COMSOL Multiphysics® also includes built-in functionality for equation interpretation, which makes it possible to define your own expressions of the dependent and independent variables when using any physics feature and to couple multiple physics phenomena. In addition, this functionality allows you to formulate systems of PDEs from scratch, using the mathematics features. You can use these features to formulate models that go beyond the standard formulations available through the built-in physics features. The mathematics features are also useful for teaching in physics and engineering, helping students to understand equation formulations and their implications in the description of physics phenomena.

    In this session, we will cover how to define systems of PDEs using the mathematics features, such as the Coefficient Form PDE, General Form PDE, and Weak Form PDE.

  • Modeling and simulation can be used to better understand and optimize the design of battery systems. The COMSOL Multiphysics® software and its add-on Battery Design Module offer specialized functionality for creating detailed models of battery cells and packs.

    In this session, we will focus on how to model a lithium-ion battery using the software's unique coupling capabilities to include phenomena such as electrochemistry, material transport, heat transfer, fluid flow, and structural mechanics. We will showcase how charge and discharge cycles, aging, thermal management, and other processes associated with the operation of battery systems can be set up as time-dependent models. Lastly, we will demonstrate how to create battery pack models with hundreds of batteries, each described with its individual electrochemical model, including temperature effects.

  • COMSOL Multiphysics® and its add-on products offer a complete suite of tools for the modeling and simulation of fluid flow. The Porous Media Flow Module is widely used by scientists and engineers to study free and porous media fluid flow phenomena. It finds applications in diverse industries such as the production of pulp and paper, household goods, and food, and in the pharmaceutical sector, to name just a few. The Subsurface Flow Module is similarly used by agricultural, civil, and environmental engineers and scientists to analyze porous media fluid flow as well as fracture flow.

    The software features unique functionality for the modeling of multiphase and nonisothermal fluid flow in porous media, fluid flow in saturated and variably saturated porous media, and even turbulent flow in free and porous media. Modeling options include Darcian and non-Darcian (for example, Forchheimer) flow, the Brinkman equations, and fracture flow in combination with Darcy’s law. Multiphysics modeling functionality enables couplings of fluid flow phenomena with other physics effects involving heat transfer, phase change, moisture transport, structural mechanics, and more. In addition, fluid–structure interaction is included in the user interface for modeling poroelasticity.

    Attend this session to get an overview of the modeling capabilities of the Porous Media Flow Module and the Subsurface Flow Module. You will also learn how to set up a model for porous media flow in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

  • Composite materials are widely used in different sectors, including aerospace, manufacturing, and the automotive industry. The Composite Materials Module, an add-on product to the Structural Mechanics Module and the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, offers a set of modeling features and functionality for analyzing layered composite structures.

    In addition, the module can be combined with other add-on products to couple structural mechanics with other physics phenomena, such as heat transfer, electromagnetics, fluid flow, acoustics, and piezoelectric effects. This enables you to include a range of physics in the same environment and create models that are accurate simulations of their real-world counterparts.

    This minicourse will demonstrate the features of the Composite Materials Module, including its capabilities for simulating fiber-reinforced plastics, laminated plates, and sandwich panels in order to enhance structural performance. You will learn how the module can be used to optimize product design and better understand the behavior of layered composite structures.

4:30 p.m.
Coffee Break
5:00 p.m.
Poster Session
6:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
Registration and Breakfast
8:30 a.m.
Minicourses & Invited Talks
  • LiveLink™ for MATLAB® enables you to seamlessly integrate the COMSOL Multiphysics® software with MATLAB® to enhance your modeling with programming capabilities in the MATLAB® environment. The bidirectional interface enables you to load existing MPH-files into MATLAB®, work with model M-files saved from the COMSOL Desktop®, write model M-files from scratch, and call MATLAB® functions from within the COMSOL Desktop® and apps.

    The COMSOL API is built in Java® and made available in MATLAB® through wrapper functions. It forms the basis of LiveLink™ for MATLAB® and covers all aspects of COMSOL Multiphysics® modeling. The latest version features enhanced support for autocompletion in MATLAB®, navigating and searching model objects, plotting, and the Model Manager.

    In this session, learn how to work with COMSOL® models from the MATLAB® command line and see what the latest features have to offer.

  • COMSOL Multiphysics® and the Plasma Module are widely used for the modeling and simulation of low-temperature plasmas. Researchers and engineers in materials science and semiconductor manufacturing are those who use these products to study, design, and optimize processes involving plasmas.

    The Plasma Module provides a set of dedicated features and user interfaces for modeling drift diffusion, heavy species transport, and electrostatics. In addition, it features a uniquely user-friendly plasma chemistry interface for the definition of chemical equations, including electron impact reactions defined with cross-section data. In addition to its capabilities for modeling capacitively coupled plasmas (CCPs), the Plasma Module, when combined with other add-on products, can also be used to model inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs) and microwave plasmas.

    Join us in this session to get an introduction to the science and methods behind the Plasma Module. In addition to providing an overview of its capabilities, we will also demonstrate how a model is set up in the Plasma Module.

  • The MEMS Module add-on to COMSOL Multiphysics® has become one of the most trusted, in-demand multiphysics modeling tools for studying and designing MEMS devices. Engineers and scientists in the MEMS field typically use the MEMS Module to model a broad range of actuation and sensing mechanisms.

    The module comes loaded with modeling capabilities for structural analysis and electrostatics. In addition, the ready-made MEMS modeling interfaces offer a unique suite of features for modeling multiphysics phenomena such as electrostatics and structural mechanics, electrostriction, piezoelectricity, piezoresistivity, Joule heating with thermal expansion, thermoelasticity, magnetostriction, Lorentz forces, and fluid–structure interaction.

    In this minicourse, we will discuss the benefits of using the MEMS Module for modeling MEMS devices, with a focus on accelerometers. We will also show an example of how to model an accelerometer that involves coupling electrostatics and solid mechanics.

  • Multiphysics Simulation of Battery Cells and Packs for Electric Vehicles by Joseph Barakat, Veryst Engineering

    Potential Fields Modeling to Support Machine Learning Applications in Maritime Environments by Jason McKenna, USM

    Human Thermoregulation and Spatial Temperature for Frostbite Prediction with Bio-Heat Transfer Model by Juliette Jacques, ORISE USARIEM

    3D Ultrasonic Simulations for Pulse Echo and Pitch Catch Testing by Haiqi Wen, Baker Hughes

9:30 a.m.
Coffee Break
10:00 a.m.
  • Simulation results enable users to evaluate fields and variables and visualize them in ways that might be difficult to do with experiments.

    The COMSOL Multiphysics® software includes unique functionality for interpreting mathematical expressions of variables, derived variables, functions, and parameters, which can be used on the fly to evaluate and visualize results. You can plot any function of the solution variables and their derivatives using surface, isosurface, slice, streamline, and many more plot types by simply typing in the mathematical expression or by selecting variables from a list. The software also provides functionality for visualizing material appearance, lighting, environment reflections, and shadows — which, combined with plots, create impressive images that can highlight important concepts of a design or process.

    Join us in this session to learn how to calculate derived values, create stunning plots, and generate reports and presentations using COMSOL Multiphysics®.

  • The COMSOL Multiphysics® software includes highly effective functionality for creating and using surrogate models through specialized study types, design of experiments methods, and surrogate model training. It provides an ideal environment for generating the physics-based training datasets used by surrogate models, which can then be used for uncertainty quantification analysis or accelerated computations.

    The methods used for uncertainty quantification and surrogate models are applicable across various physics simulations such as structural, chemical, acoustics, fluid flow, and electromagnetics applications.

    In this session, we will first explain the principles behind surrogate models and uncertainty quantification and then demonstrate the workflow of the software for these tasks. You will learn how to increase the computational speed of an app by using a surrogate model instead of a full-fledged finite element model. Additionally, you will learn how to perform uncertainty quantification analysis, where the use of surrogate models enables statistical calculations that would otherwise be unfeasible.

  • The COMSOL Multiphysics® software is widely used in the modeling and simulation of electrochemical systems due to its unique capability for solving nonlinear coupled problems defined using equation-based modeling.

    The software includes predefined modeling features for studying processes for corrosion and corrosion protection, electrodeposition, water electrolysis, and fuel cells, as well as functionality for describing cells with any electrolyte composition and electrode kinetics through the use of the generic modeling interfaces for Nernst–Planck equations (tertiary current distribution).

    Join us in this session to learn more about the COMSOL Multiphysics® add-ons for modeling of electrochemical systems such as the Corrosion Module, Electrodeposition Module, Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Module, and the Electrochemistry Module.

11:00 a.m.
Coffee Break
11:30 a.m.
Keynote Speakers
  • Modeling Low-Temperature Superconducting Devices in COMSOL Multiphysics®

    Superconducting devices are designed to operate at ultralow temperatures dominated by unique nanoscale transport mechanisms that are not clearly understood. To improve device operations and ensure stable performance, the thermal environment of superconducting devices needs to be accurately characterized and modeled, which requires accurate modeling techniques for nanoscale heat transport mechanisms and other physical phenomena and software that can accommodate these features for generating realistic approximations of device temperatures.

    Currently, there are no available finite element modeling tools that can readily model nanoscale thermal physics to the required degree of accuracy or accommodate every relevant low-temperature phenomenon in a single device-scale model. This work presents a methodology that addresses various uncertainties in low-temperature thermal physics and combines them into a single finite element model. The COMSOL Multiphysics® software was chosen for this methodology due to its unique ability to integrate numerous custom nanoscale physics, nonlinear material properties, and coupling behaviors required to comprehensively model low-temperature phenomena.

    All material property laws, such as the Wiedemann–Franz law for electrons and the Debye theory of solids for phonons, were added as custom material properties. Electron- and phonon-based thermal transport were modeled under separate diffusion equations, utilizing the relevant material properties, and electron–phonon coupling was implemented via heat sources. Since low-temperature thermal transport is dominated by boundary resistances, the acoustic mismatch model was added as an interior boundary condition across phononic interfaces.

    Furthermore, other exotic physical phenomena were separately modeled in COMSOL Multiphysics® as additional inputs to material properties or boundary conditions. For example, the proximity effect (HoIm–Meissner effect), which is the suppression of the critical temperature of a superconductor when it makes contact with a normal metal, was modeled by solving the Usadel equations within the Coefficient Form PDE interface in COMSOL®.

  • Electromagnetic-Based Hyperthermia Therapy for Treatment of Brain Cancer: From Model to Clinic

    Hyperthermia therapy (HT) is a long-recognized adjuvant thermal therapy for cancer treatment. By increasing tumor temperature to 40–44°C for one hour, the efficacy of radiation (RT), chemotherapy, or both increases significantly, as demonstrated by many phase III trials. Yet, there is no current clinical system to deliver brain HT.

    This keynote talk will focus on two distinct brain HT applicators close to clinical translation. One is intended for simultaneous HT and RT treatments of brain tumor resection cavities via a thermobrachytherapy (TBT) balloon implant. The balloon is filled with nanoparticles that will be activated with an external magnetic field to induce localized heating of the resected at-risk tissue. The other is a 915-MHz annular phased-array applicator with 72 antennas designed to target brain tumors using focused and noninvasive microwave heating.

    Both applicators were designed and optimized in COMSOL Multiphysics® and tested in experimental head phantoms with very good agreement between experiments and simulation results. The TBT balloon heating experiments were performed using stationary and thermal mapping probes. The microwave applicator was validated via stationary temperature and E-field probe measurements as well as MR thermometry. Further simulations were conducted in perfused human head models, demonstrating the feasibility of heating clinically relevant targets in silico. By providing dedicated invasive and noninvasive HT brain applicators, adjuvant HT will likely significantly increase clinical outcomes of RT treatments, as it has in many other HT+RT clinical trials.

12:30 p.m.
Awards Ceremony
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Event Concludes

Keynote Speakers

Doug Button
Doug Button Sonos
Doug Button graduated from Iowa State University with a BS in electrical engineering in 1982. In 1985, he joined Electro-Voice as a project engineer. In 1988, Button joined Harman Speaker Manufacturing in Northridge, CA, as a senior design engineer. In 1992, he was promoted to manager of transducer development, and, in 1996, he was chosen as the director of transducer development for JBL Professional. In 1997, Button was made a fellow of the Audio Engineering Society for his contributions to loudspeaker design. In 1999, he was promoted to vice president of research and development at JBL Professional, and he continued in that role until 2010. In 2013, he was awarded the Titanium Driver ALMA Award for his contribution to the industry in transducer design. Button has done work for Harris, Apple, Samsung, and Yamaha. He currently works for Sonos, where he is a distinguished audio systems engineer and was the lead audio architect for the Sonos ERA 300 released last year. Button holds 45 patents for a variety of loudspeaker inventions.
Jane Cornett Analog Devices
Jane Cornett received a PhD in materials science with a focus on nanostructured thermoelectric materials from the University of Maryland. She joined Analog Devices in 2013 and has worked on a range of technologies (using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software for each) — from development of a chip-scale thermoelectric energy harvester to device and process technology development for high-voltage isolated transformers. Cornett is now part of the Battery Insights advanced technology team at Analog Devices, working on physics-based battery modeling for algorithm evaluation and development.
Dr. Anil Erol
Dr. Anil Erol Northrop Grumman
Dr. Anil Erol is a cryogenic thermal scientist at the Northrop Grumman Microelectronics Center. He has ten years of experience solving multiphysics problems using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Dr. Erol received his PhD in mechanical engineering in 2019 from the Pennsylvania State University, where he completed his doctoral research on multiphysics modeling of electro- and magnetoactive composite materials, focusing on the microscale coupling of dipoles and hyperelastic matrices. After earning his PhD, Dr. Erol won a National Research Council postdoctoral fellowship to study mechanical metamaterials at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. In 2022, Dr. Erol joined Northrop Grumman to research nanoscale heat transport at cryogenic temperatures as a member of the thermal team at the Microelectronics Center in Linthicum, MD. During his tenure, he has led several research efforts to better understand exotic transport phenomena at extremely low temperatures and consequently, has gained expertise in the thermal management of superconducting devices, non-Fourier phonon transport, and multiphysics modeling of electron–phonon coupling.
Joe Jankovsky
Joe Jankovsky Sonos
Joe Jankovsky is a principal audio engineer and coleader of the Hardware, Electronics & Audio Research Team at Sonos, where he develops new audio and loudspeaker technologies. His career in acoustics began in graduate school as part of a team that used acoustic levitation to study the surface dynamics of liquid droplets onboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. His early work in the consumer audio industry focused on the analysis, measurement, and simulation of acoustic foams and fabrics, quantifying their effects on unique implementations and benefits in audio products. Jankovsky has a passion for leveraging simulation to enable invention; he holds eight patents and is always on the lookout for more. He has been an active user of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software since 2022.
Dr. Dario Rodrigues
Dr. Dario Rodrigues University of Maryland School of Medicine, Maryland, USA

Dr. Dario Rodrigues is an assistant professor of thermal oncology physics and director of the Hyperthermia Therapy Practice School at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Rodrigues obtained his PhD in biomedical engineering from a collaboration between NOVA University Lisbon and Duke University.

To treat cancer patients, Dr. Rodrigues performs adjuvant hyperthermia treatments that are combined with chemo- or radiotherapy. He also implements treatment planning, thermal dosimetry, and quality assurance of clinical microwave/radiofrequency (MW/RF) hyperthermia equipment. His research involves developing MW/RF- and magnetic nanoparticle-based applicators for applying heat to tissue as well as new hyperthermia treatment planning strategies to improve thermal dose delivery. This research is accomplished through theoretical modeling, engineering development, and equipment performance evaluation with phantom, animal, and human patient subjects.

Dr. Rodrigues is a councilor of engineering/physical sciences for the Society for Thermal Medicine (STM), chair of the Thermal Medicine Standards Committee hosted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and a member of the Technical Committee of the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO).

Kiran Uppalapati
Kiran Uppalapati Commonwealth Fusion Systems, LLC
Kiran Uppalapati is a senior electromagnetics engineer at Commonwealth Fusion Systems, LLC, with more than eight years of experience in electromagnetics research and analysis. His responsibilities include design and analysis of high-temperature superconducting magnet systems for tokamak devices. Uppalapati received his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of North Carolina in 2015 and worked at COMSOL, Inc. for three years before joining Commonwealth Fusion Systems. His research interests include electrical machines, magnetic gears, high-temperature superconductors, applied superconductivity, and computational electromagnetics.
Adam Z. Weber Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Adam Z. Weber earned a PhD in chemical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley under the guidance of John Newman. Dr. Weber is a senior scientist and leader of the Energy Conversion Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He is also codirector of the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck Consortium and chief technology officer of the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES).

Dr. Weber's current research involves understanding and optimizing fuel cell and electrolyzer performance and lifetime using advanced modeling and diagnostics, understanding flow batteries for grid-scale energy storage, and analyzing solar-fuel generators and CO2 reduction.

He has coauthored over 200 peer-reviewed articles and 11 book chapters, developed many widely used models, is regularly invited to present his work, and has 6 patents. Weber is the recipient of a number of awards, including a 2020 R&D 100 award for microelectrode development, the 2023 Fuel Cell Award from the U.S. Department of Energy, and the 2023 Research Award of the Energy Technology Division of the Electrochemical Society, of which he is a Fellow.