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Simulation Applications Enable Digitalization at ABB Traction Motors

February 26, 2019

Here’s a real-world example of optimizing R&D processes with COMSOL Server™: At ABB Traction Motors, engineers use simulation applications to analyze CFD and heat in electric motor designs.

Happy Birthday, Ida Noddack

February 25, 2019

Ida Noddack was one of the “element hunters” trying to fill the gaps in Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table. In the process, she codiscovered rhenium, but that’s not all she’s known for…

Using Geometry Parts and Part Libraries in COMSOL Multiphysics®

February 22, 2019

If you’re working with a model that contains complex geometries, you can use geometry parts and the part libraries to streamline and simplify your model setup.

Digital Twins and Model-Based Battery Design

February 20, 2019

By combining high-fidelity multiphysics models with lightweight models and measured data, engineers can create digital twins to understand, predict, optimize, and control real-world systems.

Digital Twins: Not Just Hype

February 19, 2019

The term “digital twin” has been called everything from just hype to a revolutionary concept. We use a jet engine example to explain the concept of digital twins and how simulation fits in.

Happy Birthday, Ernst Mach

February 18, 2019

Mach bands, Mach numbers, Mach’s principle: Ernst Mach is an accomplished physicist of many namesake discoveries and contributions to science.

Should You Freeze Your Coffee Beans?

February 14, 2019

Storing coffee beans in the freezer has been described as a clever life hack and a quick way to get frost and condensation in your favorite blend. Could food science research give us answers?

Designing Heating Circuits with Multiphysics Simulation

February 12, 2019

The electronic message boards you see on the highway contain heating circuits. Their design is a truly multiphysics problem involving heat transfer, structural mechanics, and electromagnetics.