Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Understanding Different Types of Interaction Curves
What would be the effect if you combine 2 or more independent sources? In this blog post, we introduce interaction curves and discuss how they can be used to help answer this question.

Why Sounds Travel Farther at Night
Why do sounds travel father at night? In this blog post, we answer this question with COMSOL Multiphysics® and its ray-tracing method.

Sound-Absorbing Boundaries: Local vs. Extended Reaction
Room acoustics simulation is a key part of designing a comfortable acoustic environment in a room. Explore the features in the Acoustics Module that are well-suited for room acoustics simulation.

How to Test Numerical Material Models in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Understanding the physical behavior of a material can be achieved with material models. Get an in-depth introduction to testing material models in COMSOL Multiphysics® here.

Exploring the Partial Fraction Fit Functionality in COMSOL Multiphysics®
A guest blogger from Acculution ApS gives a comprehensive look at how he is using the Partial Fraction Fit function, introduced in COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.2.

Modeling an Acoustic Trap: Thermoacoustic Streaming and Particle Tracing
Acoustic traps are used in a range of biomedical applications for manipulating cells and particles. See how an acoustic trap can be simulated in COMSOL Multiphysics® here.

Modeling the Differential Quenching of a Katana
In this in-depth blog post, you’ll learn how to build a model of a katana using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software and simulate a differential hardening process to explore some of its features.

Modeling Tensegrity with a Floating Table
Physics or magic? At first glance, this piece of furniture looks like it is floating in midair. Let’s take a closer look and marvel at the engineering.