Simulation Apps Blog Posts

Modeling and Simulation Predictions for 2025
What will 2025 bring in terms of modeling and simulation? Read 3 of our predictions in this blog post.

Multiphysics Modeling and Standalone Simulation Apps Drive Innovation
See why your organization should consider making the latest version of COMSOL Multiphysics® part of your R&D workflow.

Estimating Pi Using the Monte Carlo Method and Particle Tracing
We take a popular way to estimate the value of pi, the Monte Carlo method, and add particle tracing simulation to the process for a fun way to visualize the results.

New Course on Building Simulation Apps with the Application Builder
Interested in building simulation apps? Then our new, 8-part Learning Center course is for you! Explore an overview of the course here.

Design and Customization of Composite Materials Using a Simulation App
Homogenization can be used for the design of versatile materials. Here, we introduce a simulation app that can be used for composite material design and material homogenization.

Building a Metalens Design App with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Here, we explore how to build a simulation app for reflective metalens design, which can easily be compiled into a standalone app.

Solving the Superconductor Teaching Challenge with Apps
Superconductors can be a challenging subject to teach. Explore how a professor is addressing this problem with an open-access web server that contains simulation apps.

A Practical Sedimentation App for Toxicology Analysis
Sedimentation is widely used in toxicology, biochemistry, and biomedicine. You can study how gravity affects this physical phenomenon with simulation.