Modeling Tools & Definitions Blog Posts

How to Use Maximum Likelihood for Parameter Estimation in COMSOL®
Here, we provide an overview of maximum likelihood parameter estimation and the least-squares method.

New Course on Navigating the COMSOL Multiphysics® User Interface
Get an overview of our new 8-part course on building efficient and accurate models with the COMSOL Multiphysics® UI.

Customize the COMSOL Desktop® and Learn Keyboard Shortcuts
Want to make your modeling processes more efficient? Check out these tricks for customizing the COMSOL Desktop® as well as a variety of useful keyboard shortcuts.

The Graphics Window: Effective and Beautiful Postprocessing
Get an overview of how to enhance your postprocessing with the easy-to-use Graphics window and Graphics toolbar in COMSOL Multiphysics.

2 Ways to Use a 3Dconnexion® SpaceMouse® with COMSOL®
Learn about using the 3Dconnexion® SpaceMouse® to select geometric entities and create model images.

Add a Full State-Space Feedback Controller to a Control System Model
Get a brief overview of full state feedback, learn how to use the State-Space Controller add-in, and get a demonstration of implementing the add-in using a mass-spring-damper system example.

Fractals, Noise, and State Variables
Ever notice how the leaves of a fern seem to show a self-repeating pattern? Fractals are objects that exhibit some form of self-similarity at different scales. Learn how to model them here.

The North Pole Models Product Distribution Challenges for the Holidays
Today, a guest blogger from the North Pole discusses using simulation to find out if his boss will be able to fit down all of the chimneys this holiday season.