Rubber In-Ear Loudspeaker Resonator
The effects of an auxiliary resonating chamber in an in-ear headphone were simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics®. The auxiliary resonator consists of a rubber attachment that can be added to an in-ear loudspeaker. The purpose of the resonator is to increase the low frequency performance of the earphones.
The study consisted of a structural-acoustic coupling for resonator and an approximation of a loudspeaker driver with properties similar to a common in-ear headphone. The study focused on the sound pressure level (SPL) and surface vibration when the loudspeaker-resonator coupling was excited in the range between 20-20000 Hz. The study concluded that the effects produced by the rubber resonator were most effective on the high-mid frequency spectra with respect to SPL and on the low frequency spectra with respect to the vibration experienced.