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COMSOL Version 5.2
COMSOL Multiphysics®, Application Builder, and COMSOL Server™
From Model to App to ServerCOMSOL Multiphysics and its Application Builder provide simulation experts with tools to easily design a custom interface for multiphysics applications. COMSOL Server allows app designers to distribute their apps to colleagues and customers worldwide.
Application Builder - Form EditorThe Application Builder available in COMSOL Multiphysics allows simulation experts to create customized apps from their COMSOL Multiphysics simulations. The Application Builder features a Form Editor that allows the app designer to add user interface components such as input fields, graphics, buttons, and results information. |
Application Builder - Method EditorThe Application Builder available in COMSOL Multiphysics allows simulation experts to create customized apps from their COMSOL models. The Application Builder features a Method Editor that provides an environment to write code for actions not included among the standard run commands of the nodes in the Model Builder, extending the app's capabilities and giving the designer extra flexibility over the creation of their app. |
Application Builder - Test Application in Web BrowserThe Application Builder available in COMSOL Multiphysics allows simulation experts to create customized apps from their COMSOL models. App designers can test their apps from the Application Builder by launching them directly in a web browser. |
Connecting to COMSOL Server through COMSOL ClientCOMSOL Server is the hub for sharing and distributing COMSOL simulation apps. Users can connect through the COMSOL Client to access and run the apps. COMSOL Server also contains a library of example applications, allows app designers to control sharing and other settings, and gives users the option to launch certain apps upon startup or keep a list of the favorites that they use frequently. |
Running Applications from COMSOL Client - Frequency Selective SurfaceAnalyses of a frequency selective surface (FSS) are performed with this simulation app created in COMSOL Multiphysics. Users may adjust inputs such as polarization, substrate properties, bandwidth, and unit cell geometry in order to investigate different scenarios. In this case, the app is run by connecting to COMSOL Server through the COMSOL Client. |
Running Applications from COMSOL Client - Steel BilletThis simulation app, created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model, allows the user to design an induction heating system for a steel billet. In this case, the app is run by connecting to COMSOL Server through the COMSOL Client. |
Connecting to COMSOL Server through a Web BrowserCOMSOL Server is the hub for sharing and distributing COMSOL simulation apps. Users can connect through a web browser to access and run the apps. COMSOL Server also contains a library of example applications, allows app designers to control sharing and other settings, and gives users the option to launch certain apps upon startup or keep a list of the favorites that they use frequently. |
Running Applications through a Web Browser - Automotive MufflerThis COMSOL Multiphysics app allows users to test the acoustic behavior of different automotive muffler designs. In this case, the app is run by connecting to COMSOL Server through a web browser. |
Running Applications through a Web Browser - Corrugated Circular Horn AntennaUsing this simulation app created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model, users can optimize the radiation characteristics and aperture cross-polarization ratio of a corrugated circular horn antenna. In this case, the app is run by connecting to COMSOL Server through a web browser. |
Running Applications through a Web Browser - Finned PipeThis app allows the user to change the design of a finned pipe and derive the resulting thermal properties from a conjugate heat transfer simulation. In this case, the app is run through COMSOL Server and launched from a web browser. |
Beam Subjected to Traveling LoadThe transient response of a beam subjected to a traveling load is simulated with this COMSOL app. To analyze the response of a bridge with vehicles passing over it, the user can control parameters such as the beam width and height, speed of the traveling load, and the spacing between the supports. |
Helical Static MixerThis app created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model can be used to simulate and evaluate the mixing performance of a helical static mixer. The user can test different designs by altering input parameters such as the mixer geometry and the liquid properties. |
Transmission Line CalculatorA COMSOL Multiphysics model was used to create this simulation app, which computes characteristic impedance, the propagation constant, and parameters R, L, G, and C for a transmission line. Several common types of transmission line are available for the user to choose from.
Tubular ReactorThis app created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model simulates an exothermic reaction in a tubular reactor. The app calculates conversion profiles and temperature in the reactor for material properties and operating conditions specified by the user.
Tuning ForkThis simulation application was created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model. By choosing a target frequency, a user can investigate the corresponding length for a tuning fork; or, by specifying the length, can calculate the corresponding frequency.
Electrical Example Applications
Corrugated Circular Horn AntennaUsing this simulation app created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model, users can optimize the radiation characteristics and aperture cross-polarization ratio of a corrugated circular horn antenna. |
Effective Nonlinear Magnetic CurvesThis app, used for calculating the BH and HB curves for a nonlinear magnetic material, was created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model using the Application Builder. |
Frequency Selective SurfaceAnalyses of a frequency selective surface (FSS) are performed with this simulation app created in COMSOL Multiphysics. Users may adjust inputs such as polarization, substrate properties, bandwidth, and unit cell geometry in order to investigate different scenarios. |
Inductive Heating of a Steel BilletThis simulation app, created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model, allows the user to design an induction heating system for a steel billet. Initial and ambient temperature, geometric properties, and coil arrangements may be changed in order to test different configurations. |
Magnetic ProspectingThis application created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model simulates the effect of a magnetic ore deposit on the Earth's magnetic field and predicts anomalies based on the ore properties and the shape of the deposit. |
MEMS Pressure Sensor Drift Due to Hygroscopic SwellingThis COMSOL Multiphysics application simulates the drift of measured strain in a MEMS pressure sensor due to hygroscopic swelling. To calculate drift for different scenarios, the user can control the geometric design of the sensor, solvent properties, and material properties of an epoxy mold compound (EMC). |
Microresistor BeamThis COMSOL Multiphysics simulation app combines thermal, electrical and structural analyses to study the temperature, deformation, and voltage distribution within a microresistor beam. The user can change parameters such as the beam geometry, material properties, applied voltage, and ambient temperature in order to evaluate the behavior of different designs under a variety of conditions. |
Optical FiberThis COMSOL simulation app performs mode analyses for an optical fiber. The user can choose from three pre-defined designs and simulation parameters such as maximum and minimum wavelength and the number of modes to search for.
Plasmonic Wire GratingThis app, created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model, computes the diffraction efficiency for reflected and transmitted waves interacting with a wire grating on a dielectric substrate. The app reports the electric field norm and reflectance and transmittance for a given angle of incidence. |
Slot-Coupled Microstrip Patch Antenna ArrayThis COMSOL app simulates a single slot-coupled microstrip patch antenna fabricated on a multilayered low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) substrate. Users may control inputs such as properties of a single antenna and array geometry. Results show the far-field radiation pattern of the antenna array and its directivity. |
Mechanical Example Applications
Absorptive MufflerThis app is based on a COMSOL Multiphysics model of an absorptive muffler. The end user may change the geometric design of the muffler, the ambient temperature and pressure, and material properties in order to evaluate the resulting acoustic behavior. |
Acoustic ReflectionThis app, based on a COMSOL Multiphysics model, analyzes acoustic reflection for a water-sediment interface. The app user may change inputs such as the sediment properties, angles of incidence, and driving frequency. |
Beam SectionWith this COMSOL Multiphysics simulation app users can test different geometries, materials, and loads to analyze the resulting stress, strain, and displacement in a beam.
Centrifugal GovernorA centrifugal governor used for regulating the amount of fuel admitted to an engine is analyzed in this app. Created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model, the app allows users to test different designs and run stationary, transient, and eigenfrequency analyses to determine the sleeve motion, sleeve equilibrium position, and natural frequency of the system. |
Concentric Tube Heat ExchangerExchanged power, effectiveness, and pressure drop in a concentric tube heat exchanger are analyzed in this simulation app created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model. The user can test different heat exchanger designs by varying the fluid properties, boundary conditions, and pipe structure. |
Finned PipeThe thermal properties of a finned pipe are derived from the results of a conjugate heat transfer simulation. The app user can change aspects of the design such as the arrangement of the inner grooves and outer fins.
Flash MethodThis COMSOL Multiphysics app simulates the flash method to estimate the thermal conductivity of a sample where the user specifies material properties and operating conditions.
Frame FatigueThis simulation app, available in the COMSOL Multiphysics Application Libraries, evaluates the fatigue life of a frame with a cutout under transient loading. The user may specify the load and geometric parameters of the frame in order to analyze the relative usage factor, stress distribution, and life at the critical point.
Heat SinkIn this simulation app of a heat sink based on a COMSOL Multiphysics model, the user can investigate the heat dissipated under various fan conditions. Inputs such as air temperature and flow velocity may be varied in order to calculate pressure loss and heat flux for different configurations.
Interference FitThis simulation app, created using the COMSOL Multiphysics Application Builder, analyzes the interference fit of one pipe pushed over another. The model evaluates contact pressure, stress, and deformation, and allows the user to specify the pipes' geometry, amount of overlap, and friction coefficient.
Parameterized Concrete BeamThis app created from a COMSOL Multiphysics simulation, allows the user to calculate axial stress and deflection for a concrete beam reinforced by steel rebars. Input parameters such as geometry, material properties, loading conditions, and distribution of the rebars may be varied in order to investigate different concrete beam configurations. |
ParasolThe effects of solar irradiation on a beach with a parasol and two beverage coolers are studied in this COMSOL Multiphysics simulation app. Input parameters such as the location, time of day, and average ambient temperature are chosen by the user, and the app then evaluates the temperature profile under the specified conditions.
Periodic MicrostructuresThis COMSOL Multiphysics simulation app is used to calculate equivalent material properties in a periodic microstructure like those used in composite materials. The user may alter inputs such as the unit cell geometry in order to compute density, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity. |
Single-Family HouseThis app is based on a COMSOL Multiphysics simulation of the acoustics in a single-family house. The end user may control the different sources of noise and analyze the resulting sound pressure levels throughout each floor of the house. |
Small Concert HallThis application, available in the COMSOL Multiphysics Application Libraries, relies on a ray tracing model to simulate acoustics in a concert hall. The user may define the properties of the building and furniture, and specify the microphone location. |
Stress Analysis of a Pressure VesselThis COMSOL Multiphysics simulation app analyzes whether a pressure vessel with a given geometry will be able to sustain an applied internal pressure without exceeding a certain volume fraction of the material which has exceeded the yield limit. Geometric parameters and materials may be changed to investigate different vessel designs.
Thermoelectric CoolerThe design of a single-stage thermoelectric cooler can be explored using this COMSOL Multiphysics simulation app. The user may test different geometries, thermocouple configurations, and material selection in order to determine the ideal cooler option for a specific application or an optimized design for best performance. |
Truss BridgeDifferent truss bridge designs can be virtually tested using this simulation app created in COMSOL Multiphysics. Users can control the geometric dimensions of the supporting beams and the roadway, specify loading from vehicles and wind, and compute displacements, stresses, and the natural frequencies of the bridge.
Viscoelastic Structural DamperThis simulation app, created in COMSOL Multiphysics, evaluates the performance of a viscoelastic damper used to protect tall structures against vibrations. The app computes parameters such as the hysteresis loop, loss and storage moduli, and displacement in the damper for a set of material parameters, applied load conditions, and time, frequency, and excitation frequency ranges chosen by the user. |
Truss TowerA linear buckling analysis of a truss tower under compressive loads is performed in this COMSOL simulation app. The user can change parameters such as the tower height, properties of truss members, and pretension in optional guy wires. The model reports the critical load for the tower.
Fluid Example Applications
Charge Exchange CellThis app is based on a COMSOL Multiphysics simulation that computes the collisions at high energy of ionized hydrogen atoms as they pass through a charge exchange cell filled with argon gas. The user can control parameters such as geometry and operating conditions to evaluate pressure in the device, particle trajectories, electric potential distribution, efficiency, and collision statistics. |
Geothermal Heat PumpAn underground heat pump that supplies heat to a house is evaluated in this app created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model. The user can control the properties of the heat exchanger, surrounding soil, and climate conditions in order to analyze designs for different environments. |
InkjetThis simulation app created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model allows the user to adapt the shape and operation of an inkjet nozzle by changing input parameters such as the liquid properties and nozzle geometry. The app accounts for contact angle, surface tension, viscosity, and liquid density in order to analyze whether the design meets the desired droplet size.
Ion ImplanterAn ion implantation system like those used in the semiconductor industry is modeled in this COMSOL Multiphysics simulation app. The user can investigate different designs by changing inputs such as the wafer angle, outgassing rate, surface temperature, and molecular weight of the outgassing species.
MixerThis COMSOL simulation app is intended for the simulation of mixers equipped with axial or radial impellers. For a given geometry, the application computes the efficiency of the mixing process. The vessels, which are available in three different shapes, can also be equipped with baffles and any of eleven different types of impellers.
NACA Airfoil OptimizationThis COMSOL Multiphysics application computes the flow field, pressure field, and the shape of a 2D airfoil in order to maximize the lift to drag ratio. The user may specify the desired airfoil parameters and Reynolds number, or use an optimization option to calculate the best geometric parameters.
Water Treatment BasinThis app, used for modeling turbulent flow and chemical reactions in a water treatment process, was built from a COMSOL Multiphysics model. The user may change inputs for the desired operating conditions and the geometry of the basin in order to test different designs. |
Chemical Example Applications
BiosensorThis COMSOL Multiphysics application allows the user to change parameters such as grid spacing, inlet velocity, and pillar diameter in a biosensor in order to investigate how different designs affect the detection results.
Cyclic VoltammetryThis application, based on a COMSOL Multiphysics model, simulates the cyclic voltammetry technique used to determine information about chemical processes. |
Electrochemical Impedance SpectroscopyThis simulation app is based on a COMSOL Multiphysics model of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). By varying input parameters such as the maximum and minimum frequency, diffusion coefficient, and bulk concentration, the user can characterize and study an electrochemical system. |
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of a Ship HullThis COMSOL Multiphysics app simulates the Impressed Cathodic Current Protection (ICCP) of a ship hull. By varying parameters such as the sea water conductivity, the control potential, and the electrode kinetics of the ship's propeller and shaft, the user may analyze the behavior of the ICCP system and the corrosion in the metal.
Li-Ion Battery ImpedanceThis application created from a COMSOL Multiphysics model estimates properties of a lithium-ion battery, such as the exchange current density and properties of the resistive layer, through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). |
Liquid ChromatographyThis app is based on a COMSOL Multiphysics model that simulates the separation of two species in a liquid chromatography column with a detector at the outlet. The user may vary input parameters such as the column length and porosity, particle surface area and density, velocity, and inlet concentration, and then compute concentrations within the column and at the outlet. |
Membrane DialysisA COMSOL Multiphysics app analyzes the contaminant concentration in a bloodstream purified by a membrane dialysis device. The user may control input parameters like the inlet contaminant concentration, geometry of the device, and diffusion and partition coefficients.
Multipurpose Example Applications
Laminar Static Particle MixerThe performance of a static mixer is studied in this COMSOL Multiphysics app. The application allows the user to change properties of the particles and the mixer geometry to analyze the effects of different configurations on the mixing process. |
Red Blood Cell SeparationThis COMSOL Multiphysics app allows users to calculate the trajectories of platelets and red blood cells in a blood sample as they travel through a filtration device. Results show the electric potential, fluid flow distribution in the filtration system, and the particle locations. |