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COMSOL Version 5.6
Cascaded Cavity FilterA multiphysics model of a cascaded cavity filter operating in the millimeter-wave 5G band, including temperature changes and thermal stress. The visualization demonstrates the new functionality for partial transparency.
Clip PlaneAn electric motor simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.6, where a clip plane is used for easier access to the inside of the model for assigning material properties and loads.
Impact Analysis of a Golf BallA transient contact simulation of striking a golf ball with an iron.
Microspeaker AcousticsAcoustic velocity and thermal perturbations showing vortex shedding as a large-amplitude pressure wave interacts with a grid with small narrow slits. This type of nonlinear thermoviscous acoustics effect is important in the analysis of high-fidelity mobile device loudspeakers.
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane ElectrolyzerGas volume fraction in a polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolyzer used for hydrogen production, analyzed with the new Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Module.
Slot Die CoatingA slot die coating simulated with the new Polymer Flow Module. Fluid flow models such as this one also see major performance improvements in COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.6.
Submarine Target StrengthSubmarine target strength visualization using the new boundary element method (BEM) formulation suitable for large simulations. The scattered field sound pressure level is here computed for 1.5 kHz in water, 100 m from the submarine.
Corrosion Module
Multiple Monopile FoundationAn offshore wind turbine foundation showing the electrode surface potential and streamlines of multiple monopiles.
Wave Optics Module
Optical Ring ResonatorAn optical ring resonator, showing the out-of-plane component of the electric field for a wavelength close to resonance.