Simulation for Pharmaceutical Innovation

Engineers and researchers working in the pharmaceutical industry benefit from incorporating the COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation software into their R&D workflow. Modeling and simulation helps streamline the process for creating new and better products and treatments while reducing costs and the need for in vitro and in vivo testing.

The COMSOL Multiphysics® software features a consistent user experience, regardless of engineering application and physics phenomena. Add-on products provide specialized functionality for fluid flow, microfluidics, chemical reactions, heat transfer, and other physics relevant to pharmaceutical applications.

Real-World Pharmaceutical Simulation Examples

Drug Efficacy and Safety

A simulation app showing the concentration of ethylene oxide in a container.

Amgen builds simulation applications to streamline processes, enhance workflows, and ensure the safety and efficacy of drug products.

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Lab-on-a-Chip Devices

A plot of the thermal distribution of the reaction site of a silicon MEMS chip.

Evonetix uses simulation to design a MEMS chip for on-demand DNA synthesis.

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mRNA Vaccine Production

A fluid flow and solvent transport model.

Veryst Engineering shows how simulation of lipid nanoparticle self-assembly is useful for mRNA vaccine development.

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Quantitative Systems Pharmacology

Velocity pattern for laminar fluid flow in a channel with obstacles of different sizes.

The University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy teaches PhD students in pharmaceutical sciences how to create multiscale models to analyze drug disposition within the human body.

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