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spring between two surfaces

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Hello everybody,

I am trying to define a spring between two surfaces but I could not, is there is a way to use « thin elastic layer « to model such spring ? However I could not select the surfaces I need, the condition for thin elastic layer is identity pair, moreover I am not sure if it suitable for modeling springs.

Also is there a way to define a pretension in the spring?

I tried to defined the spring force by F=K*(u2-u1), working on the one side of the spring and same for the end of the spring, where u2-u1 is the change of spring length, however I could not find the correct name for the normal displacement of the spring terminal surfaces in order to enter them in the equation.

Best regards and thanks in advance,


1 Reply Last Post Jan 24, 2014, 7:37 a.m. EST
COMSOL Moderator

Hello Ghalib Thwapiah

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Posted: 1 decade ago Jan 24, 2014, 7:37 a.m. EST

I am trying to do the same thing as you. Did you solve the problem ??
Hello, I am trying to do the same thing as you. Did you solve the problem ??

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