All posts by Henrik Sönnerlind

Understanding Different Types of Interaction Curves
What would be the effect if you combine 2 or more independent sources? In this blog post, we introduce interaction curves and discuss how they can be used to help answer this question.

How Should I Evaluate Singular Stress Fields?
Explore the properties of singular stress fields and see some possible approaches for evaluating them in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

The Physics of a Hopping Hoop
Have you heard of the hopping hoop? This problem has interested the minds of researchers and engineers for the last half-century. Let’s see how modeling can provide insight into this age-old case.

New Functionality for Buckling Analysis in COMSOL Multiphysics®
COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.1 introduces functionality for handling a combination of fixed and varying loads in a buckling analysis. Get the details here.

How to Evaluate Stresses in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Get a comprehensive introduction to evaluating various stress quantities in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

What Is the Difference Between Plane Stress and Plane Strain?
We go over the formulations and constitutive models that you can use to study plane stress, plane strain, and generalized plane strain in your solid mechanics problems.

Making Structures Stronger by Removing Material
To make a structure stronger, sometimes you have to take material away instead of adding more. We go over concepts like fillets, load paths, and displacement control to demonstrate this concept.

How to Use the Load Plots in Structural Analyses
You can use the load plots available in the COMSOL® software to get the best possible visualization of the loads acting on your structural mechanics models in various situations.