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Evaluating Transformer Designs with Electromagnetics Simulation
Transformers are used to increase, decrease, and isolate voltage in many different types of devices. EM simulation can be used to evaluate a transformer design, no matter its purpose.
Studying Presbyopia with an Optomechanical Model of the Human Eye
You have to see this multiphysics simulation research: To help combat the effects of presbyopia in aging eyes, Kejako built a 3D optomechanical model of a full human eye.
Happy Birthday, William D. Coolidge
William D. Coolidge was granted a total of 83 patents throughout his life, 2 of which you might find particularly interesting: tungsten filament and the Coolidge tube.
3 Approaches to Modeling Moving Loads and Constraints in COMSOL®
Learn 3 ways to model moving loads and constraints in COMSOL Multiphysics®: using variables, interpolation functions, and paths imported from CAD geometries.
Protecting Aerospace Devices via an Ion-Material Interaction Benchmark
In outer space and other harsh radiation environments, high-energy ions and protons pierce materials and affect nearby electronic systems. Known as a single-event effect (SEE), the particle radiation can lead to soft or hard errors in devices. Since just one hard error puts a space mission at risk, aerospace engineers must make sure that all critical electronic devices can withstand an SEE. To gain a better understanding of this phenomenon, they can accurately analyze the ion-material interaction using simulation.
Self-Consistent Schrödinger-Poisson Results for a Nanowire Benchmark
This benchmark model of a GaAs nanowire validates the Schrödinger-Poisson Equation multiphysics interface, which is useful for modeling systems with quantum-confined charge carriers.
Award-Winning Papers and Posters: COMSOL Conference 2018 Boston
Award-winning papers and posters from the COMSOL Conference 2018 Boston cover topics including solar-powered steam reforming, 3D-printed check valves, and cochlear implant surgery.
Nonstandard Constraints and the Power of Weak Contributions
For a flexible and physics-independent way to extend the applicability of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, you can implement nonstandard constraints using the so-called weak contributions.