Interfacing Blog Posts

New Product Video Tutorial: LiveLink™ for Solid Edge®
With the latest COMSOL release, Version 4.3a, comes new CAD interoperability. We are delighted to introduce LiveLink™ for Solid Edge® seamless associativity between Siemens’ CAD experience and COMSOL’s multiphysics simulation software. A LiveLink™ for Solid Edge® video tutorial demonstrates this integration, and gives you a leg up in your design modeling. In this video, the three main features to help you design, optimize, and troubleshoot your geometries are demonstrated.

Modeling Scar Effects on Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a treatment for chronic back pain that has been around for over 40 years. It involves implanting electrodes that apply electric potentials directly to the spine, interfering with the human pain signaling circuitry. The body attempts to send pain signals to the brain, but the electrodes act as a barrier preventing the signals from reaching the brain. Although an overall successful method for treating back pain, researchers have been improving on the design since the […]

The First Flyer Optimized Using Multiphysics
December of 1903 marked the commencement of the Age of Powered Flight, and the Wright brothers went down in history. This was a time before personal computers and simulation software existed. Determining the optimal design of their airplane had to be done using physical prototypes and real-life experiments. What had the design looked like if the Wright brothers had been able to use computers and modeling software? Three researchers from Pennsylvania State University sought to find out how the design […]

New Product that Helps Electrical and Electronics Engineers
As much as we would like to think that finite element analysis (FEA) is the be-all and end-all of simulations, it’s not true. There is also a camp of engineers out there that model integrated circuits and similar systems. These are based on different physics and equations than what FEA typically solves for. Yet, as is happening more and more in the world of virtual prototyping, the two types of simulations are converging. Now they need to integrate with each […]

Extend Your Modeling Capacity with LiveLink™ for Excel®
Recently, Fanny blogged about spreadsheets and how they are used in engineering. She mentioned that they are great for collating material properties and other experimental results, and for then using these in COMSOL models. The simulation results from these models can in turn be compared to the original data, and help calibrate material properties and optimize the design. With the release of COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3a, COMSOL has now made it much easier to perform these tasks and extend your modeling […]

How Spreadsheets Are Used in Engineering
We’ve noticed that a lot of our customers use spreadsheets, such as Excel®, as part of the modeling process. They use them for storing material property and other data, such as from experiments or other information about workflow associated with their engineering project, and then import this data into COMSOL Multiphysics®. Spreadsheets are also the forum for taking in results from COMSOL software and using this to compare, optimize and verify these material properties. Let’s delve deeper into how spreadsheets […]

What Is ECAD and Why Is It Used in FEA?
Electronic computer-aided design (ECAD) is typically used to design and develop electronic systems. Although the acronym is a mere letter away from “CAD”, there’s actually more to the story than appending the word “electronic” to “computer-aided design”. So, what is ECAD and why is it used in finite element analysis (FEA)?
Working with CAD
This week I will talk about CAD import. Many times, the first task a new user of COMSOL is up to is to lay their hands on the CAD models of the design team. After all, COMSOL handles the analysis, which needs to be closely tied with the design process. Ideally, design and analysis is integrated in one single process. There are different ways to marry the CAD models with the analysis. File based import is maybe the most common […]