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Understanding Different Types of Interaction Curves
What would be the effect if you combine 2 or more independent sources? In this blog post, we introduce interaction curves and discuss how they can be used to help answer this question.

Happy Birthday, Douglas Engelbart
At a time when computers used punch cards for quantitative tasks, Douglas Engelbart envisioned a future of sharing information to solve complex human problems.

Why Sounds Travel Farther at Night
Why do sounds travel father at night? In this blog post, we answer this question with COMSOL Multiphysics® and its ray-tracing method.

The Science Behind Preserving Museum Ships
Managing corrosion and decay are just 2 of the challenges associated with preserving historic vessels. Learn about the approaches that are being used to help keep these ships true to their best-known design.

Sound-Absorbing Boundaries: Local vs. Extended Reaction
Room acoustics simulation is a key part of designing a comfortable acoustic environment in a room. Explore the features in the Acoustics Module that are well-suited for room acoustics simulation.

Modeling and Simulation Predictions for 2025
What will 2025 bring in terms of modeling and simulation? Read 3 of our predictions in this blog post.

Modeling Electrical Contact Resistance at Bolted Joints
As of COMSOL® version 6.3, there is a new boundary condition that simplifies the workflow when setting up a structural mechanics problem. Explore this feature in action here.

From Spectrum to Color: Using Modeling to Understand How Red Glass Is Made
How is red glass made? We answer this question by examining the transmission spectrum with wave optics modeling.