COMSOL Server™ Updates
For users of the COMSOL Server™ product, version 5.4 of the COMSOL® software brings COMSOL Client for the Android™ platform and several COMSOL Server™ user interface updates. Read more about these and other COMSOL Server™ updates here.
COMSOL Client for the Android™ Platform
With the COMSOL Client app for the Android™ platform, mobile users can easily connect to COMSOL Server™ and run applications. Shortcuts to applications can be added to the device homescreen for easy access. Running on an Android™ platform device, applications appear as tasks. COMSOL Client for the Android™ platform will be made available in the Google Play™ store within a few weeks.

Run in COMSOL Client for Automatically Logged-In Users
Anonymous and automatically logged-in users can now launch COMSOL Client from a web browser, with the Run in COMSOL Client links.
Important COMSOL Server™ Enhancements
- A live search box on the Application Library page for filtering the applications shown
- Applications in the Application Library can be sorted in descending order
- A new Remember me check box on the web login form for COMSOL Server™
- An Also send notifications as email check box, in addition to the built-in notifications panel

Command Line Arguments
Let users of your application supply command line arguments as inputs when launching the application. Command line arguments are automatically written to the declarations you reference inside the Application Builder, and can be used to, for example, supply input data or configuration settings. This can be used for compiled applications, but also when launching the application together with COMSOL Multiphysics® or COMSOL Server™. To call a compiled application you write, for example:
myapp.exe -appargnames freq -appargvalues 400
for an application that has an input argument freq
that takes a numeric value 400 (a double, in this case).
The corresponding command using COMSOL Multiphysics® would be:
comsol.exe -run myapp.mph -appargnames freq -appargvalues 400
With COMSOL Server™, you simply provide the arguments directly in the URL:
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