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Multiphysics Conferences in Boston and Milan Draw More Than 700 Engineers, Researchers, and Scientists
BURLINGTON, MA (November 9, 2009) — More than 700 of the world’s top practitioners of multiphysics simulation recently gathered for the fifth annual COMSOL Conference in October. Complementary events were held in Boston and then Milan, Italy. The next stop for the annual world tour of this conference focused on multiphysics modeling and simulation for engineering and scientific research is Bangalore, India, November 13-14, 2009, followed by additional conferences in Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, and other locations.
Working with CAD
This week I will talk about CAD import. Many times, the first task a new user of COMSOL is up to is to lay their hands on the CAD models of the design team. After all, COMSOL handles the analysis, which needs to be closely tied with the design process. Ideally, design and analysis is integrated in one single process. There are different ways to marry the CAD models with the analysis. File based import is maybe the most common […]