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Acoustic Topology Optimization with Thermoviscous Losses

February 28, 2018

A guest blogger from GN Hearing discusses including thermoviscous losses in the topology optimization of microacoustic devices, such as hearing aids, mobile phones, and metamaterial geometries.

Multiparameter Optimization with a Least-Squares Objective

October 19, 2017

Learn how to estimate parameters using multiparameter optimization, which will automatically adjust your model based on an underlying data file of experimental parameters.

How to Use Acoustic Topology Optimization in Your Simulation Studies

November 3, 2016

Today, guest blogger René Christensen of GN Hearing discusses the importance of acoustic topology optimization and how to apply it in COMSOL Multiphysics. Topology optimization is a powerful tool that enables engineers to find optimal solutions to problems related to their applications. Here, we’ll take a closer look at topology optimization as it relates to acoustics and how we optimally distribute acoustic media to obtain a desired response. Several examples will further illustrate the potential of this optimization technique.

Designing New Structures with Shape Optimization

December 29, 2015

Get a comprehensive background on using shape optimization to design new structures, with the example of a classical beam thickness problem.

Changing the Dimensions of a Model Using Shape Optimization

December 24, 2015

If your model has a single objective function to be improved, a set of geometric parameters to be changed, and a set of constraints, you can find the optimal structure without any remeshing.

Finding a Structure’s Best Design with Topology Optimization

September 23, 2015

Think about the first architects who designed a bridge above water. The design process likely included several trials and subsequent failures before they could safely allow people to cross the river. COMSOL Multiphysics and the Optimization Module would have helped make this process much simpler, if they had computers at the time, of course. Before we start to discuss building and optimizing bridges, let’s first identify the best design for a simple beam with the help of topology optimization.

Multistudy Structural Optimization of a Bracket

September 11, 2015

Weight reduction is a key focus in the automotive industry, where lightweight materials equal more fuel-efficient cars. Here, we perform a multistudy structural optimization of 1 component.

RFID Tag Read Range and Antenna Optimization

October 8, 2014

A guest blogger from Continuum Blue, a COMSOL Certified Consultant, shares a numerical modeling example for radio-frequency identification (RFID) applications.