All posts by Mats Danielsson

Modeling the Differential Quenching of a Katana
In this in-depth blog post, you’ll learn how to build a model of a katana using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software and simulate a differential hardening process to explore some of its features.

Introducing the Metal Processing Module
The Metal Processing Module includes 2 interfaces for analyzing diffusive and displacive metallurgical phase transformations: Metal Phase Transformation and Austenite Decomposition.

How to Activate Material in Simulations of Manufacturing Processes
Do you model manufacturing processes such as welding or additive manufacturing? You can activate or deactivate a material in a material deposition simulation using specialized functionality.

How to Implement Elastoplasticity in a Model Using External Materials
Sometimes the mechanical behavior of a material is not readily expressed in terms of a built-in model. In these cases, you can use external materials. Learn how with an elastoplasticity example.

What Is the Physics Behind a Counterweight Trebuchet?
A counterweight trebuchet, a siege weapon commonly seen in movies set in the Middle Ages and fantasy worlds, also happen to be an interesting multibody dynamics problem.